
广东 2024-05-21 17310690583


Procurement Notification of China Southern Airlines Aircrew Service Project

******限公司 航空服务部(以下简称“采购人”)现对南航机组人员异地驻勤保障酒店项目进行竞争性谈判采购。

China Southern Airlines Co.,Ltd. (hereafter refer as “Airline”) is announcing to launch the aircrew accommodation service procurement project. Please refer below for the details:***

1、项目简介Project Introduction

1.1 项目名称:***。

Project Name:***on service procurement in the city of 【Amsterdam】.

1.2 项目编号:*******51。

Project Number:*******51.

1.3 项目类别:***。

Type of Project:***.

1.4 资金来源:***。

Source of funds:***.

1.5 采购数量:***【1 】家合作酒店,通过符合性审查供应商数量达不到计划采购数量的情况,按实际通过的个数推荐。

Quantity:***【one】 candidate will be sel.ected for this project. If the number of candidates fails to reach the planned sel.ect quantity through the compliance review, it shall be recommended according to the actual number.

1.6 服务内容:***采购,入围酒店需遵守南航机组保障安全、服务管理规定,为南航机组提供住宿、餐食、洗衣等保障服务;关注南航航班计划,根据航班计划做好房间预留以及接送机服务。

Service content:***king for Aircrew Accommodation service provider. The shortlisted suppliers shall abide by the regulations on Aircrew security and service management of China Southern Airlines. The service detail is to provide accommodation service, F&B service and Laundry service according to flight schedule

1.7 报价要求:***:

General requirements of Quotation:***the ceiling price of this project:


Ceiling price of Accommodation service


Ceiling price of F&B

洗衣保障标准与限价Ceiling price of Laundry service

1. 客房费用标准(含税不含早):***/标间:***/间/天(60间房(含)以内);

2. 单间/标间:***/间/天(60间房以上)

3. Single/Twin Room:*** night ,breakfast exclusive(within &include 60 rooms per day)

4. EUR163per room per night ,breakfast exclusive(above 60 rooms per day)

5. 提供早餐、午餐和晚餐用餐服务。

Hotel shall able to provide breakfast, lunch and dinner service.

6. 提供自助餐、点餐、套餐、围餐多种用餐方式选择。

F&B could be provided by buffet, set menu or a al carte.

7. 餐食费用标准(含税):




Breakfast:***.5per person;

Lunch:***.5 per person;

Dinner:***.5per person;


Hotel shall provide one piece of laundry to each crew who stay in Hotel for more than 24 hours;


Laundry for one piece of shirt/blouse:***


The ceiling prices mentioned above were including taxes and all other extra charges such as services charge. In case the taxes ratio have been adjusted by the local government, these will be amended by the Hotel accordingly after written notification to Airline. The new contract rate will be calculate base on the original contract rate plus new taxes ratio.


This project adopts the framework (no fixed/guaranteed amount) procurement mode. The supplier must quote for all contents. If there is any omission or quotation exceeding the ceiling price (unit price), the quotation will be invalid. The amount and quantity of this purchase are estimated data, and the purchaser has the right to adjust them according to the actual needs and settle them according to the actual quantity. The purchase quantity may increase or decrease during the contract period, and the fixed unit price will not be adjusted accordingly.


Quotation rules:***e supplier"s room rate (standard single / double room) shall not be higher than the ceiling price, and shall not be higher than the price of the same room type on Booking.com or other OTA platforms, otherwise it will be regarded as invalid quotation and will not be earn any points on price review.

1.8 服务地点:【阿姆斯特丹】。

Service Location:【Amsterdam】.

1.9 合同期限:***,具体起始时间以双方签署合同内容为准。

Contract duration:***effective date of Agreement.

2、供应商资格要求Supplier qualification

2.1 供应商距离当地机场航站楼车程时间在30分钟(含)以内。

The distance between the supplier and Airport must be within 30 minutes (inclusive) by driving.

2.2 供 ******的公司 ,具备当地政府承认合法有效的资质文件。

Supplier shall be registered in local government and with valid license.

2.3 供应商应当购买相关保险且保额能够覆盖在履行合同义务过程中可能产生的任何索赔。

Supplier shall maintain insurance sufficient to cover any claims or liabilities which may reasonably arise out of or relate to its obligations under Agreement.

2.4 供应商须配备餐厅,能提供早、午、晚餐堂食服务。

Supplier shall able to provide breakfast, lunch and dinner service in Hotel’s restaurant.

2.5 供应商须为过夜时间(下次航班起飞时间与落地航班时间之差)超过24小时(含)的机组人员提供每航班每人1件上衣的清洗服务。

Supplier shall provide one piece of shirt/blouse to each crew who stay in Hotel for more than 24 hours.

2.6 被列入南航集团“限制交易供应商名单”且仍在限制期内的法人或其他组织不得参与本次谈判。

Legal person (The Owner of supplier) or other organizations who is listed in the "restricted list of suppliers" of Airline and still within the restricted period shall not participate in this tender.

2.7 被列入南航集团“禁止交易企业名单”的企业,不得参与本次谈判。

The Supplier who is listed in the “prohibited list of trading” of Airline shall not participate in this tender.

3、供应商报名Supplier Registration

3.1 公告时间:【2024】年【5】月【22】日00时00分至【2024】年【5】月【28】日23时59分止。

Notification Period:***【22 May 2024】 to 【28 May 2024】.

3.2 报名时间及报名文件的递交:【2024】年【5】月【22】日00时00分至【2024】年【5】月【28】日23时59分止,向采购人发送报名资料(见附表),逾期送达的报名资料恕不接受。

Application Period:***ust be submitted to Airline from 00:***【22 May 2024】 to 23:***【28 May 2024】.

4、联系方式Contact Detail

采购单位:*********限公司 航空服务部

Procurement Entity:***of China Southern Airlines Co.,Ltd.


Application:***documents and application form to below address.


Contact Person:***【Ms.Li】


Contact Nbr:***【020-****】

邮箱地址:【liwa ****** csair.com】

Email Address:***【liwa ****** csair.com】


Discipline Supervision:【Mr.zhong】


Contact Nbr:***-****


Attachment:***n Form


attachment 1 - supplier application form (china southern airlines) .xlsx


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